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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How an online meditation studio work?

  • Tranquil Harmony Artistr is a virtual platform where you can access a variety of meditation classes and practices from the comfort of your own space, together with psychotherapy services. Through our virtual platform, you can participate in live-streamed sessions and explore a range of meditation techniques led by experienced therapist. 

2. How do I access the meditation classes?

  • Accessing our meditation classes is easy! Simply click “Book Now” and book a slot to start; we will instruct you for the payment. 

​3. What is Expressive Arts Therapy?

  • Expressive Arts Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes various creative modalities such as visual arts, movement, music, drama, and writing to foster self-expression, exploration, and healing. Through guided activities and reflection, individuals can explore emotions, experiences, and insights in a non-verbal and holistic manner, promoting personal growth and well-being.

4. What types of meditation do you offer?

  • We offer a diverse range of meditation practices to suit different preferences and goals. This includes mindfulness stress reduction, self-understanding and multi-arts exploration. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you'll find classes tailored to your needs.

5. Do I need any special equipment or experience to participate?

  • No special equipment is required to participate in our meditation classes. All you need is a quiet space where you can comfortably sit or lie down, a device with internet access, and a willingness to explore mindfulness. We will let you know what materials you need in the Multi-arts exploration session. Our classes are suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.

6. Can I ask questions or interact with the instructor during live sessions?

  • Yes, absolutely! During live-streamed sessions, you'll have the opportunity to interact with the instructor and ask questions. Our instructors are here to support you on your meditation journey and provide guidance as needed.

7. Can I access the classes at any time, or are they scheduled?

  • We offer live classes only, because we value our time to interact with each others. 

8. Is there a free trial available?

  • Yes, we offer a 30 mins free trial meditation and Expressive Arts Therapy trial for new users to explore our platform and experience our classes, as well as 15 mins free consultation. Simply sign up to access the trial and start your journey towards greater mindfulness and well-being.

9. How can I get started?

  • Getting started is easy! Simply visit our website or download our app to create an account and explore our meditation offerings. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or cultivate inner peace, our online meditation studio has something for everyone. Begin your journey towards greater well-being today!

©2024 by Tranquil Harmony Artistry.

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